mass downloading using a script
Install "expect" in your computer (just one time):
$ sudo apt install expect
Writing a script. note that ****** is username and ###### is a password.
$ vi KuPR_download.ext #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn sftp -P 2051 ******@ftp.gportal.jaxa.jp expect "password:" send "######\r" expect "sftp>" send "mget /standard/GPM/GPM.DPR/2A.Ku/07A/2023/??/??/*.h5\r" expect "sftp>" send "mget /standard/GPM/GPM.DPR/2A.Ku/07A/2022/??/??/*.h5\r" expect "sftp>" send "exit\r" $ chmod +x KuPR_download.ext
Run it:
$ ./KuPR_download.ext
In case you want to do it in a background process on a server:
$ nohup ./KuPR_download.ext > /dev/null 2>&1 &