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MRTSwath_download_Linux.zip をインストールしたあと、MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc/compilejava.unixのjavaのバージョンを設定する (javaはsun-java6-jdkが入っていること)。パスを訂正する。

 $ sudo vi compilejava.unix 

# *******************************************************
# * Makefile for the Java GUI source code               *
# * Gail Schmidt, 12/24/2001                            *
# *******************************************************

# compile the .java files in the resample directory
cd /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc/mrtswath/resample
javac -target 1.6 *.java

# compile the .java files in the modis directory
cd /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc/mrtswath
javac -sourcepath /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc -target 1.6 *.java

# create the .jar file
cd /usr/local/MRTSwath
jar -cvf ModisSwathTool.jar -C JavaGuiSrc .

# copy the .jar file to the MRTSwath/bin directory
mv ModisSwathTool.jar bin

# remove the .class files
rm /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc/mrtswath/resample/*.class
rm /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc/mrtswath/*.class

# go back to the JavaGuiSrc directory
cd /usr/local/MRTSwath/JavaGuiSrc


$ sudo chmod +x compilejava.unix 
$ sudo ./compilejava.unix 
Last modified:2014/08/03 13:24:04