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とらりもん - segmentation Diff

  • Added parts are displayed like this.
  • Deleted parts are displayed like this.

2017/05/16 Seiya Ishibashi (一部修正)


! Object based classification

! What is segmentation?
Segmentation is process which make segment based on the spectrum and geographical info.

!! Segmentation in QGIS.(OTB)
[[here|http://pen.envr.tsukuba.ac.jp/~torarimon/?Orfeo+Toolbox%28OTF%29]][[here|Orfeo Toolbox]]

!! Segmentation in GRASS.
g.region rast=2016_1207_backscatter_latlon.1

i.group group=test_group input=2016_1207_backscatter_latlon.1

# below command is segmentation process.
# If you set threshold at lower value, then segmentation is more in detail (and takes much time).
i.segment group=ortho_group output=test1_seg threshold=0.02 # Since threshold is lower value, running takes over 30 minutes.
# Then, you need to adjust the threshold value by checking the created map.

i.segment group=ortho_group output=test1_seg threshold=0.1 # takes around an hour.

i.segment group=ortho_group output=test1_seg threshold=0.2 # takes over 30 minutes.

i.segment group=ortho_group output=test1_seg threshold=0.3 # takes over 30 minutes.