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2018/Jan/19 Ishibashi

Things Mendeley can do.

・Manage documents
・help to cite the paper for writing thesis.

How to install Mendeley desktop on Ubuntu 16.04.

Firstly, you can download package here.

sudo dpkg -i <path-to-downloaded-package>
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mendeleydesktop

Now you have Mendeley on your computer.

How to use citation function of Mendeley

Let's add the Microsoft office (or Libre office) citation plug in.

1. Drag and drop paper's pdf file, which you want to cite to your thesis, to Mendeley
2. In your office writer, "Insert citation" for citing in text body.
3. In your office writer, "Insert bibliography" for citing in reference.
4. You can select the citation style through office writer.

Last modified:2018/01/19 13:16:54