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Watershed management 2018


1. Get basic skills of data processing which are needed and useful for watershed management as well as other scientific researches. / 流域保全学やその他の科学研究で必要・有用なデータ解析技術を獲得する。

2. Get used to science communication in English. / 英語での科学的なコミュニケーションの経験を積む。

SBO (Specific Behavioral Object) 到達目標

1-1 Get basic skills of Linux. / Linuxの基本スキルを習得する。

Level 1: I can explain what is Linux and I can login to the Linux
Level 2: I can use commands: ls, cd, cat, rm, pwd, seq, history
Level 3: I can use pipe and redirect.
Level 4: I can explain what is shell.

1-2 Get basic skills of Internet. / インターネットの基本スキルを習得する。

Level 1: I can explain what is IP address and MAC address
Level 2: I can explain difference between global IP address and private IP address
Level 3: I can explain hostname and it's relation to IP address
Level 4: I can use SSH.

1-3 Get basic skills of tabular softwares (Excel or Libreoffice) / 表計算ソフトのスキルを身につける。

Level 1: I can read text data in a tabular software.
Level 2: I can draw a graph, get average, max, and minimum of time-series data in a tabular software.

1-4 Get basic skills of shell script. / シェルスクリプトの基本スキルを習得する。

Level 1: I can use for loop and shell variable.
Level 2: I can explain what is shell script.
Level 3: I can write a shell script which is useful for data analysis

1-5 Get basic skills of awk. / awkの基本スキルを習得する。

Level 1: I can use awk to extract a column in a text file.
Level 2: I can use awk to filter out unnecessary data from a text file.
Level 3: I can calculate max, min, average by awk.  

1-6 Be able to select suitable method in response to circumstances. / 必要に応じてどのように手法を使い分ければよいかを理解する。

2-1 Understand and do the exercises in English / 英語での講義を理解し, 演習を実行できる。

2-2 Cooperate with colleagues in English / 英語で仲間と協力できる。

2-3 Write reports in English / 英語でレポートが書けるようになる。

Last modified:2018/10/15 15:23:24