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とらりもん - Linux training 03 Diff

  • Added parts are displayed like this.
  • Deleted parts are displayed like this.


- Run the following commands one by one.
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ pwd
$ cd /
$ pwd
$ cd ~
$ pwd
$ echo ~

What are the functions of pwd and cd? What are the meanings of "..", "/", "~"?

- Run the following commands one by one. What is happening?
$ pwd
$ mkdir test
$ ls
$ cd test
$ ls
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ pwd
$ rmdir test
$ ls

What are the functions of pwd, mkdir, cd, rmdir?

- Run the following command (if you get an error, try "$ sudo apt-get install tree" first):
$ tree .

- Using internet search engine or textbooks, find the meanings of the following key words:
directory (of Linux)
current directory
root directory
home directory
parent directory

!Check points
* Directory of Linux is like "folder" of Windows.